OVP’S Staff visits The West Philly Senior
Community Center
(R-L) Christina Holmes,Kahil Ferron,Tiasha Gerald, Mrs. Gloria Persia, and Marvin DeBose Sr.) |
The “Seniors Enjoy Reading “ book club operates out of the West Philly Senior Community Center. My job as their advisor is to assist this group with selecting good titles to read and acquiring enough copies so that the seniors can borrow the books free through the “Free Library of Philadelphia” many of book club members are in the 80s age-range. Mrs. Gloria Persia, one of Overbrook Park's most beloved patrons, is the group's leader. She took on the responsibly of selecting the title for that month and coming to Overbrook Park to pick up the books for the group. Without her dedication many of these elderly members would not be able to receive their books.
Recently, the Overbrook Park staff surprised the Senior’s Enjoy Reading book club during the holiday by presenting them with a "vintage" 2007 Library Festival tote bag containing three brand new books for each member of the club donated by OVP Staff. The book club members were surprised when Tiasha Gerald (Librarian Assistant 1) and me, Marvin DeBose (Acting Librarian Supervisor) walked into their monthly book club meeting at the West Philly Senior Community Center located 41st & Popular St. in the West Philly Section of Philadelphia with a bag containing their gifts.