Thursday, May 2, 2013

"Senior's Enjoy Reading Book Club" ..May 2013 Pick!


The Senior's Enjoy Reading Book Club - May 2013 selection is the story of "The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks" by Jeanne Theoharis.

The Rebellious Life Of Mrs. Rosa Parks by Jenne Theoharis

Theoharis delivers a new perspective in three particularly interesting aspects of the Civil Rights struggle. The first is overwhelming evidence that Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus was far from the first such act and neither was it a planned provocation by an organized group. It was an unplanned response by a woman who had been humiliated and denied justice because of her race one time too many. It proved significant because Mrs. Parks was well known as a worker for justice among various local organizations and she was the perfect symbol of a beautiful, light-skinned, working class Negro woman who exhibited calm capability respected by both blacks and whites. But this symbolism caused her arrest and conviction, cost her and her husband their employment and exposed them to malicious news articles and violently threatening phone calls that untimately led to their move north only to discover that discrimination was not confined to the south.

Check out The New York Times Review of the book!


  1. The book club really enjoy this book, but they were surprise how Martin Luther King didn’t help Rosa Parks and her husband while, they were thrown into financial distressed based on her refusing to be remove for her seat.

  2. Sounds interesting maybe our book club should read it too :)

  3. Hi - This would be a great book for the group to read it will expose the group to some history about the civil right era. Did you get in contact with the rest of the book club member?
